Jonathan Grothe (Killerjonny14 at gmail dotcom) is organizing an unpublished prototype game zone within Fanime in May.


Here is a message from Jonathan:

"This year for the first time ever, we will be hosting a prototype section at Fanime. This means there will be an area within the gaming hall devoted to demoing and play testing new and in progress games. The best part about all of this, is that it’s free. You heard me right! Once on the list, you can get in the gaming hall to demo your game for free.

But wait, there’s more!!!

We at Fanime know that we will be competing with Kubla Con for your attention. So why not have the best of both worlds?!?! If you send us a copy of your prototype, we will demo it in the down time between in-person demos. That's right, you don't even have to be there for your play-testing. But we love people, and would rather see your eager faces while play-testing your lovely games.

So come on and sign up at the link below. After signing up our representative will get in contact with you to work out the specifics. - Jonathan

Fanime 2015 Memorial Day weekend, May 22–25

San Jose McEnery Convention Center, CA”
